The Awe of God

In Matthew 13:53-58, Mark 6:1-13, and Luke 9:1-6, Jesus returns to Nazareth, His hometown, where His ability to perform miracles is limited by the people’s lack of faith. They had grown up with Him and, in their familiarity, couldn’t see beyond the carpenter’s son to recognize the Messiah standing before them. Familiarity had dulled their vision of who Jesus truly was.

This moment reveals how easily something powerful, like our relationship with God, can become routine or lose its significance when we grow too familiar. Just as repeating a word over and over causes it to lose its meaning, we risk losing the wonder and awe of God when our faith becomes mechanical. Jesus’ work was hindered in Nazareth because people had stopped seeing Him as extraordinary.

The challenge for us is similar: have we allowed our relationship with God to become too familiar? Have the powerful truths of His Word and presence become things we merely expect or overlook? Faith isn’t just knowing about God—it’s seeing Him afresh each day, in awe of His greatness.

Jesus said the Kingdom belongs to those with childlike faith, a faith that’s humble, curious, and awestruck. If we find ourselves limiting God because we’ve “heard it all before,” we need to ask Him to reignite that sense of awe, reminding us of His love, His power, and His majesty.

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

When Jesus warned about the unforgivable sin, it raised a question that has troubled many believers... Read More


1 Peter 2:9-10

The Church As… the People of God


If You Call

Verse 1:
If you’ve been lost and you need a Saviour
If you’ve been searching for a real love
Come and give your heart to the One who’s greater
You’re a new creation, welcome home

Cause He saw you
When you fought against the chains
Yeah He heard you
When you called out in your pain
He’ll be your rescue
If you call on His name

Verse 2:
If you got a burden that you just can’t carry
Give it to the One who can bear the load
Cause He’s got a promise for the worn and weary
He’ll give you life and restore your soul

Verse 3:
Said if you’ve been lonely and you’re fighting shadows
Running from a past that you can’t escape
Step into the light of the God who loves you
And all your sins will be washed away

He lives! You’re alive because He lives!
He lives! You’re alive because He lives!
He lives! You’re alive because He lives!
You’re alive, You’re alive because He lives!



Newell Brands came to the agency I worked for — ideaLEVER — and needed a new website for their Bernardin brand jars. I was tasked with the project, and it was a huge one. I enjoyed it, though and had a tremendous amount of fun solving some of the biggest "problems" created by our designer. She, of course, is more concerned with the appearance and how user-interactions worked, and I was tasked with bringing that vision to life. It was a great project, but alas, like so many things on the web, that version has since been replaced and much of my problem-solving went with it. But I'm still proud of the work I did. Using HTML, SASS, JavaScript, Gulp, Grunt, Git, and all on a .NET stack.


The Shining: The Cinematic Cut