The Shocking Truth About Why We’re Struggling—And the One Thing We Keep Overlooking!

Isaiah 18-23 predicts doom and gloom for many nations including Egypt, Ethiopia, Edom, Arabia, and even Jerusalem. What I found interesting is how all these nations have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… except Jerusalem. They are the chosen nation of the Most High God, the God who is bringing the calamity, and yet they do not turn to Him. What?? You have access to the greatest trump card anyone could ever draw and yet you leave it on the table?

How often do we end up in a bind, and instead of looking UP to God, we look IN to ourselves? When the chips are really down, why do we try to go it alone? My God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so why would I go to someone else for the things that really matter? He has every resource we need!

So if you’re facing financial difficulties, struggling with health issues, dealing with relationship problems, or feeling overwhelmed by work or school, then lift your eyes to the mountains, where your help comes from (Psalm 121:1-2). Trust in the Lord, for He is our ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

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