Forgiven Little, Loving Less: Why You Might Be Missing the Full Picture

In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow this woman, known for her sinful reputation, to touch Him. But Jesus uses this moment to teach a profound lesson about forgiveness and love.

Jesus tells a parable about two debtors: one who owes a large debt and another who owes a smaller one. Both debts are forgiven, and Jesus asks Simon which of the two will love the creditor more. Simon answers that it is the one who had the larger debt forgiven. Jesus agrees and says to Simon, “He who is forgiven little, loves little” (Luke 7:47).

This story illustrates an important truth about sin, forgiveness, and love. The woman’s extravagant love for Jesus stems from her awareness of the great debt she owed—her sins were many, and her forgiveness was much. But Simon, who saw himself as righteous, believed he owed little to Jesus. His view of sin was small, and as a result, his love for Jesus was shallow.

A Theology of Sin

At its core, sin is not just bad behavior; it is a rebellion against God, a failure to meet His standard of holiness (Romans 3:23). All of us are born into this state, separated from God (Ephesians 2:1-3). Sin is more than just breaking moral rules—it is the rejection of God’s authority, resulting in both personal and cosmic consequences.

Throughout the Bible, we see the seriousness of sin:

  • Isaiah 59:2 explains that sin creates a barrier between us and God, cutting off our relationship with Him.
  • Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death—spiritual separation from God that leads to eternal separation unless reconciled through Christ.
  • James 2:10 reminds us that even if we fail in just one part of the law, we are guilty of breaking all of it.

The Bible’s portrayal of sin makes it clear that every human being is in a state of great need—each of us is a debtor to God. Sin isn’t a small misstep; it’s a complete severance of our relationship with God, one that can only be restored through the grace extended in Christ. Without this understanding, we are likely to minimize the gift of forgiveness that God offers.

A Small View of Sin Leads to a Small Love for God

Jesus’ point to Simon—and to us—is that the way we view our sin directly impacts how we relate to God. When we minimize sin, we minimize the need for God’s grace. This results in a shallow, distant relationship with Him. If we think our sin is small, we’ll see Jesus as little more than a moral teacher or good example. But if we understand the depth of our need, we will respond with deep gratitude, just as the woman in Luke 7 did.

The truth is, we all owe a great debt—whether we realize it or not. The woman in this story knew her need for forgiveness, and her love for Jesus reflected her awareness of how much she had been forgiven. Simon, in contrast, saw no great need for forgiveness and, consequently, showed little love.

Why This is Good News

Here’s the beauty of this story: Jesus doesn’t rebuke the woman for her past or even for the nature of her sins. Instead, He honors her act of love and forgives her because of her faith. This tells us that no matter how great our sin, God’s forgiveness is greater. But it also serves as a reminder that if we don’t fully acknowledge our need for forgiveness, we may miss out on the depth of the relationship God wants to have with us.

The challenge for us today is to ask: How do I view my sin? Do I minimize it, thinking of myself as mostly good and only in need of minor forgiveness? Or do I recognize the profound debt I owe—a debt that Christ paid in full? Those who are forgiven much, love much. And the truth is, we have all been forgiven much. If we fail to see the greatness of God’s grace, it is because we have too small a view of sin.

The great news is that we are not left to bear the weight of our sin. Jesus has already borne it for us. When we understand this, it transforms our relationship with God, just as it did for the woman at the feet of Jesus. The more we grasp the depth of our forgiveness, the more we will love Him in return.

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