The Upside Down


  • 35+ hours of prep time
  • Series Review (SPOILER ALERT)
  • Plot Synopsis
  • Upside-Down Explained (Clip)

[[[ Upside Down Explained – S01E05 ]]]

Big Idea

  • Upside-down implies rightside-up
  • Right/wrong, correct/incorrect
  • This is intrinsic knowledge {>P}
  • But our culture says “My truth” wins!


  • MY TRUTH = utter destruction of truth {>P}
  • “My truth” is relativity, post-modernism
  • To understand, we must look first at modernism
  • So… let’s get nerdy!

[[[ Austin Powers – Nerd Alert ]]]

Modernism Explained

  • Arose during the industrial rev. (1800s)
  • Reality based in science / logic / hist.prog
  • Placed a very high value on truth!
  • Good!..? But only if science agrees

Postmodernism Explained

  • Started in 60s, the cultural revolution
  • !META !Objective universal truths
  • Oppressive, Rigid, Inflexible, and Unfair
  • Meaning is in the hands of the beholder

Postmodern Pitfalls

  • {P} Destruction of truth (Incredibles, Dash)
  • NO Objectivity / Rationality / Hist.Prog
  • WLC: un-livable (Architect / Doc / Banker)
  • TOTALLY, logically incoherent! (kill logic)

Postmodern Examples

  • Still happy to use it when convenient
  • Words means what we decide (Tolerance)
  • Sean McDowell racist!? (undefined)
  • Abortion (overturning Roe v Wade)

[[[ PHOTO: Not Yet A Human ]]]

We have recent rejected the male-female gender binary and adopted the gender spectrum. This position holds that sexual organs, bodily functions, and indeed even our very chromosomes have no bearing on our gender identity. And if this is true, that means that there is no gender at all. Since “man” and “woman” are simply defined by whoever uses them, they are rendered totally meaningless. And lest you think this is some kind of fringe idea, not really happening in the real world, here is an excerpt from the confirmation hearings of the newest member of the United States Supreme Court Ketanji Brown-Jackson:

[[[ Ketanji Brown-Jackson – What is a Woman? ]]]

  • Are you experiencing this gender incongruity?
  • God loves you deeply/desires to make whole
  • Slippery-slope: Trans-age / race / species
  • Time and biology cannot be bargained with Mr Clarke

[[[ Stranger Things – Science is Unforgiving ]]]

Postmodernism Debunked

  • (Apple) Fight best idea v. silence dissent
  • All things being relative, power wins
  • War of ideas vs war of attrition
  • Like this modified clip from the Terminator

[[[ Terminator – Pitiless ]]]

  • PM put self at the centre of creation!
  • We know this is Upside Down
  • Where do we go from here?
  • Modernism, right? Right?

Modernism Debunked

  • Truth MUST be defined by 5 senses !LOGIC
  • Otherwise personal expression / opinion
  • See what this does? PUTS MAN FIRST
  • There is no room for God here.

Why it Matters

  • {P} Intrinsic knowledge of what’s right
  • Paul in Rom 2:15 “law written on heart”
  • Trust feelings? Jer 17:9 Sin corruption!
  • This is a ploy of Satan! Vecna Clip

[[[ Stranger Things – Vecna Monologue ]]]

What Do We Do?

  • Offend in love! Do not get weary!
  • Satan wants to wear you down
  • He wants you to compromise the truth
  • Nail X to cross again, scorn X in public

1 Corinthians 15:1–2,50–58

Closing Prayer

This sermon was originally given on August 7, 2022 at Surrey CLA, Surrey, BC, Canada