The Saddest Psalm

Today's Reading: Psalm 88-89, 144-145


There are many “Psalms of Lament” but Psalm 88 stands out for being unrelenting. In fact, while the book of Psalms has a reputation for being soul salve, this one might leave you feeling worse after you finish it than you felt before you started!

Yet, I believe that even this should be encouraging for us. Why? Because sometimes the circumstances we find ourselves in are overwhelming. Sometimes the grief is so deep that genuine praise eludes us. And that’s okay. Remember, like I said yesterday, God already knows what you are going through. You don’t need to pretend you feel better than you do. Be honest with the Lord. Trust Him with your real feelings. Being raw and honest with God doesn’t mean you don’t trust him, it means you can trust Him enough to be real.

So long as you still — like the Psalmist — recognize that God is in control, that God is our hope, you can have every confidence that God wants you to come to Him as you are. So do that. Bring it to Him whether you are smiling or crying, joyful or grieving.