Tag: Closeness to God

Spiritual Leadership

Once Israel moved into the Promised Land and “the land had rest from war” (your translation may vary), the Israelites set up the Tabernacle at Shiloh and worshipped the Lord there. But Joshua challenged some of the tribe who were have a touch of the ol’ failure to launch and said — basically — ‘hey fellas, do you maybe want to go map out the rest of the land and divide it into 7 lots?”

This is genius on the part of Joshua, by the way. He sends them off to map out the land into 7 plots, but says that he (Joshua, with the help of the Lord) will then give those plots of land to the tribes. So there is no opportunity for squabbling over ‘yours is bigger’ and ‘mine is smaller’ or whatever other nonsense might have cropped up.

But then Joshua stays encamped by the Tabernacle. We’ll see tomorrow that Joshua takes a town for himself, but at this time, while the people of Israel are not yet fully settled, He chooses to stay with God, to be close to Him. To be guided and influenced primarily by God.

I guess the moral of our story today is that when big decisions have to be made, they should be made in close communion with God. Just because you CAN do it alone, doesn’t make it a good idea.

Joshua 18:1-19:48 | 087/365

What Does God Feel Like?

God appears to Jacob in a dream and confirms His covenant with Abraham. Gods words are positive and encouraging, yet Jacob was afraid. Understanding the awesome power of the one true God. And after this encounter with the Lord, he erects a monument to God, and to mark a place of worship.

There are times when God feels far and there are times when God feels near. We should make note of those times when God is near. When He shows Himself to us in powerful ways. Because those monuments, those markers, will remind us of God’s faithfulness in the times of trial, suffering, and reproof.

And remember that even when we don’t “feel” it, He is still Emmanuel, God with us.

Genesis 28:6-30:24 | 010/365