Tag: Genesis 28

What Does God Feel Like?

God appears to Jacob in a dream and confirms His covenant with Abraham. Gods words are positive and encouraging, yet Jacob was afraid. Understanding the awesome power of the one true God. And after this encounter with the Lord, he erects a monument to God, and to mark a place of worship.

There are times when God feels far and there are times when God feels near. We should make note of those times when God is near. When He shows Himself to us in powerful ways. Because those monuments, those markers, will remind us of God’s faithfulness in the times of trial, suffering, and reproof.

And remember that even when we don’t “feel” it, He is still Emmanuel, God with us.

Genesis 28:6-30:24 | 010/365

Your Lack of Planning Isn’t My Problem

Esau goes out hunting and come home famished. He asks his brother for some stew and Jacob – as brothers do – needed something in return.

Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright and Esau, evidently a drama queen, says he’s going to literally die if he doesn’t eat. So he trades his birthright for some stew.

Esau lost out because he was too lazy or bad at planning. We often give Jacob grief for this move, but it is Esau’s fault. Esau should have said, “fat chance” and pulled some jerky out of his bag.

Work hard and be diligent to prepare. If you choose not to, whatever happens as a result is no one’s responsibility but your own.

Genesis 25:27-28:5 | 009/365