Tag: Guard Your Heart

A Hostile Takeover of Your Heart

Deuteronomy 11:6 warns us not to let our hearts be deceived, be enticed to serve other gods. The heart always seems to be the vector of deception. Of course, when we think about the heart today we think of the emotional side of ourselves, but the original writers has a wider definition in mind. The word translated as “heart” literally means “inner man”. But we can safely understand it to mean “inner self” or “real you” or possibly even “heart of hearts”.

This is a place deep inside that is the core of us. The centre of who we are. Below all the surface niceties to the person that only God really knows. This is the ‘root’ of each of us. You allow something into this place, you are giving it power and authority. You are giving it a share of control. Anything that goes this deep has a seat at the table of you. Anything that is escorted into this place can make serious, sweeping, and significant changes.

When you ask Jesus into your heart? This is what is meant. Often as preachers we can make this an emotional decision because we don’t really dig into what the Bible means by “heart”. But the truth is that our invitation to Jesus is one that offers Him power, authority, and control over serious, sweeping, and significant changes. At least it is if we understand what we are offering.

But the more insidious participant in this type of scenario is a new member of Board of Governors of [your name here] who enters quietly without being explicitly invited. The guards and security measures around your heart just aren’t as sharp as they should be. Or maybe we are actually telling that guards not to bug this particular would-be participant.

And slowly this fellow, un-checked and un-guarded, takes up space at the table. He starts to make big changes. And before long, Jesus has been evicted from the board and you’re chasing after a new god. The god of self, or money, or prestige, or lust, or whatever. But that’s how it happens. Slowly, slowly, slowly. And like the frog boiling in the pot, we don’t realized what’s happening.

Until we’re cooked.

Guard your heart, friends. Guard your heart.

Deuteronomy 10-12 | 074/365