Tag: Jeremiah 39

Why Your Life Needs to Burn Down… Sometimes

When I read today’s passage, one thought struck me above the others: Israel, now “desolate,” would finally have its “Sabbath Rest.” This isn’t just about a nation lying in ruins—it’s about the spiritual renewal that only comes after the flames of destruction have swept through.

Imagine a forest. For centuries, forest fires were a natural part of its life cycle. The flames would burn away dead wood, making room for new growth. Today, we try to stop any fire from breaking out, thinking we’re protecting the forest. But without those periodic burns, the underbrush grows thick, the dead wood piles up, and eventually, a fire does come—and it’s far more devastating.

Israel’s desolation was like that necessary fire. The nation had accumulated so much spiritual “dead wood”—idolatry, injustice, and disobedience—that God allowed a cleansing fire to sweep through. This wasn’t just judgment; it was a reset, a forced Sabbath rest. In the ashes of what was, God was preparing the ground for what could be—a new beginning, a renewal.

What does this mean for us? Sometimes, God allows parts of our lives to “burn down” so that we can experience true spiritual renewal. We might resist, thinking we’re protecting ourselves, but without these periods of cleansing, the weight of unaddressed sin, unresolved issues, and spiritual complacency only grows. When God strips away what’s unnecessary, He’s making room for new growth—preparing us for something better.

So, if you’re going through a time of desolation, don’t despair. It might be that God is clearing the way for something new. Let the old burn away, and embrace the Sabbath rest He’s offering—a time to reflect, repent, and renew your commitment to Him. After the fire, new life will spring forth.

The Dangerous Mistress of Success

In Ezekiel 28:16, we see the fall of Tyre, a city once renowned for its wealth, beauty, and power. Tyre was a prominent trade center in the ancient world, its merchants known for their success and influence. However, with prosperity came pride, and with pride came corruption. The very success that elevated Tyre to great heights also led to its downfall.

Tyre’s history is marked by a dangerous attachment to wealth and power. As the city’s riches grew, so did its arrogance and sense of invulnerability. They trusted in their trade, their fortified city, and their alliances, believing that their success made them untouchable. But this self-sufficiency blinded them to their moral decay. Ezekiel speaks of how their “abundant trade” filled them with violence, and their heart became proud because of their beauty (Ezekiel 28:16-17).

God’s judgment came upon Tyre not just because of their external actions, but because of the internal corruption that wealth and success had fostered. The very thing they had put their trust in became their undoing. Their success, instead of being a blessing, became a snare.

Today, our culture often defines success in terms of wealth, power, and influence—much like Tyre. But success, when pursued as an end in itself, is a dangerous mistress. It can lead to pride, self-reliance, and a gradual turning away from God. Just as Tyre’s wealth led to its downfall, so too can our pursuit of success, if it causes us to forget who is truly in control.

The lesson from Tyre is clear: success is not inherently bad, but when it becomes our focus and our measure of worth, it can lead us away from God. True success is found in a life that honors God, recognizes His sovereignty, and uses blessings to further His kingdom, not just personal gain.

The Allure of Destruction

Sin and evil rarely present themselves as dangerous or destructive. Instead, they are often wrapped in enticing packages, appealing to our fleshly desires and offering fleeting moments of pleasure. Whether it’s indulging in a secret sin, embracing a lifestyle that contradicts God’s commands, or simply turning a blind eye to the ways of the world, evil always promises quick rewards and instant gratification.

Yet, as today’s reading shows, the good times don’t last. The path of sin and evil ultimately leads us away from God and, therefore, away from salvation. As Ezekiel warned, sin’s consequences are dire. The destruction may not come immediately, but it is inevitable. What seemed like a harmless indulgence can quickly turn into a trap, leading to spiritual decay and, ultimately, destruction.

In Ezekiel 24:13, God speaks through the prophet about the people’s sins: “Because I tried to cleanse you, but you refused to be cleansed. So you will not be cleansed from your filthiness again until I have satisfied my fury on you.” The allure of sin led the people of Israel to resist God’s attempts at purification, and they suffered the consequences.

Today, we face similar temptations. The world offers countless distractions and temptations that seem harmless or even good on the surface. But if we are not vigilant, we risk being led down a path that takes us further from God. The temporary pleasures of sin are not worth the eternal consequences.

Let us not be fooled by the attractive facade of sin and evil. Instead, let us seek God’s wisdom and strength to resist temptation, knowing that true joy and peace come from following Him.