Tag: Legalism

Lip Service or Heart Change? Jesus’ Warning to the Religious

In Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:1-23, Jesus confronts the religious leaders of His day about a dangerous tendency: the elevation of tradition over God’s Word. The Pharisees, known for their outward righteousness and strict adherence to religious customs, were scandalized by Jesus’ disciples eating without performing the ceremonial washing of hands. This wasn’t about hygiene; it was about adhering to centuries-old rituals. But Jesus saw through their pretense, and His response was direct: “You nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition” (Matthew 15:6).

This conflict between tradition and Scripture is not unique to the Pharisees. It’s easy to fall into a routine of religion—of doing things simply because they’ve always been done that way. Even well-meaning Christians can get caught up in traditions, whether it’s how church services are run, what worship styles are “acceptable,” or even what particular language we use in prayer. There’s comfort in the familiar, but when the familiar takes priority over the truth of God’s Word, we’ve crossed a dangerous line.

Jesus rebukes the religious leaders for honoring God with their lips, but having hearts far from Him (Matthew 15:8). This kind of empty, outward obedience is worse than worthless—it leads people further from the truth. We see this today when traditions or legalistic practices become more important than the Gospel itself, creating a spiritual environment where rules are followed but relationships with God remain shallow. In such cases, faith becomes about what people see, not about true heart change.

The real issue is not tradition itself. Traditions can be helpful, meaningful, and God-honoring. The danger comes when we rely on these traditions as our guide instead of Scripture. We must continually ask ourselves whether our practices, habits, and routines are helping us grow closer to God—or are they simply comfortable patterns that make us feel righteous without actually engaging with Him?

The antidote to this religious drift is found in allowing Scripture to continually refine and direct us. As Jesus explains in the passage, it is not the outward actions that defile a person, but the state of the heart (Mark 7:20-23). True worship, as Jesus teaches, is not about rigidly following traditions but about an inward transformation that leads to a pure heart.

Are there areas in your life where tradition has replaced true devotion to God? Ask God to reveal where you might be following rules or practices without true heart change. Let His Word—living and active—continue to shape you from the inside out. Tradition isn’t inherently bad, but it should never replace the transformative power of Scripture.