Tag: Numbers 15

Lack of Faith is Rebellion

12 scouts are sent into the promised land, all 12 agree that the land is incredible and rich in resources. But only one, Caleb of the tribe of Judah thinks they can actually take the land. When 10 of the other scouts start spreading a bad report about the trip and telling all the people of Israel that they people are giants who will crush them like grasshoppers, Joshua joins Caleb in saying that with God in their side, they can take the land.

But the people refused to be convinced. Rather than acknowledge that God delivered them OUT of the powerful nation of Egypt and can therefore deliver them INTO the smaller, less powerful land of Canaan… they leave God out of the calculus entirely!

WE can’t do it. WE are like grasshoppers. WE will die. WE. WE. WE.

It feels crazy to me after witnessing all they had in Egypt, after being led around by pillars of smoke and fire, they still don’t have faith in God to provide for them! And when God has called us into something and has asked us to trust Him and we know it, to refuse is rebellion. And rebellion is sin.

If you know God is calling you into something, even if it’s scary or unknown, do it. He won’t lead you astray. And you may just find that it will turn into the blessing of a lifetime! If you don’t, not only are you missing out on God’s best, but you are rejecting His gift and His goodness. You are in rebellion against God.

Whose will be done?

Mar 3 | Num 14-15 | 062/365