Tag: Numbers 24

A Fickle God?

Today’s devotional is more of an apologetic concerning one of the more confusing exchanges in the Old Testament. Balak, the King of Moab sends a contingent down to get the prophet Balaam. Apparently a well-known man among the leaders of the region, he was able to commune with the gods. One wonders what he did when dealing with gods who were NOT Yahweh. Since they do not exist and were unable to answer him in any meaningful way. I suspect he was able to give most people what they wanted, since the imaginary gods of the region wouldn’t put up much of an argument. Balaam could likely leave most of his customers feeling happy.

In this case, though, he is commissioned to speak a curse over the nation of Israel. He goes to the one true God and the reply is simple: don’t go with these men. Which is what Balaam conveys. However, Balak was not so easily dissuaded. He sent another, larger contingent of even more important people who offered Balaam even more money to come and pronounce a curse over Israel. What follows is my attempt to reconcile what seems to be a fickle God changing His mind with what we know should be a steadfast God who is immutable. We also need to consider the principle that Scripture Interprets Scripture. So we have to account for 2 Peter 2:15 & Jude 1:11 as well.

Balaam goes back to God after talking with the entourage and it seems God has changed His position, now saying, “If they come to call you, go”. But then when he does go with them, God puts an Angel is his path to block his way. We know that God doesn’t change His mind, and we know that Balaam was motivated by greed (Peter/Jude), so putting it all together, I think we get this:

  1. Balaam is told by God to not go with them.
  2. A great deal of money is offered so Balaam goes back to God.
  3. God says IF they come for you, you may go.
  4. Balaam goes to them before they can come to him.
  5. God shows Balaam the error he has made, yet offers grace.
  6. Balaam truthfully shares what God said, and so was denied his treasures.

The takeaway is this: if God has given you an answer, don’t go back to Him again a if He is some kind of slot machine that might provide a different outcome if you only ask again. God will let you do your thing if that’s what you really want… but is it?

Numbers 22-24 | 065/365