Tag: Proverbs 22

Building Good Study Habits

I was a pretty bright kid. This meant that academically stuff came pretty easy to me. It was even suggested to my parents that I skip ahead a grade. My mother declined that offer, however. And the downside to being a bright kid and having academics come pretty easily to me is that I never learned how to study… I never had to! I never had homework because I easily completed it all during class time. Then… grade 9 math hit me like a bus. I was reeling, my grades were suffering and I had no concept of studying and applying myself. It was pretty terrible. And honestly, it took until well into college before I finally figured out how to study.

It was laziness. Never needing to try meant that I never did. And that’s where our Proverb comes in today. Laziness is a hard habit to un-learn and hard work will enable you to be everything you can. But I can’t say it any better than the Psalmist:

I went past the field of a sluggard,
    past the vineyard of someone who has no sense;
thorns had come up everywhere,
    the ground was covered with weeds,
    and the stone wall was in ruins.
I applied my heart to what I observed
    and learned a lesson from what I saw:
A little sleep, a little slumber,
    a little folding of the hands to rest—
and poverty will come on you like a thief
    and scarcity like an armed man.

Proverbs 24:30-34

I don’t think I can say any better than the Scriptures, so I’ll simply leave it there today.

Exploring Themes

Today I decided to write down the overarching theme that I perceived in each Proverb. With each additional Proverb, I would consult my list, if it fit with one of the existing themes, I would add a tick mark beside it, otherwise I would write down a new theme. At the end I counted them all up.

The themes I ended up with (you might well end up with a different list with different counts if you decide to do this) were: Fighting, Laziness, Intentionality, Loyalty, Integrity, Discernment, Sanctification, Reputation, Wisdom, Giving, and Trust in God.

The winners by my count were Discernment and Integrity with 9 Proverbs each. This was a good reminder for me of the value of these traits.

Discernment allows us to pursue only those things & relationships which are good for us, which will edify and encourage us, which will make us into better people and allow us to fully step into what God has for us. You can — as Fleetwood Mac put it — Go Your Own Way, but that will not give you the fullness and satisfaction in every sphere of your life that following Christ offers.

Integrity is so critical to the life of the believer. My father used to tell me that your word is your legacy. It’s how you will be remembered. And if it is how we will be remembered, then it is also how we are known. So we say what we mean and mean what we say? Are our promises good as gold? Can people take us at face value and never be afraid. That’s how God is, and if we are seeking to be like Him, then all of the above should be true about us. Whether it’s fair or not, people judge the king by his messenger. What kind of messenger are you for THE King?

That’s my takeaway. What theme(s) stood out to you from today’s reading?