Tag: Psalm 25

Jealous of Evil?

Sometimes — as I have discussed before — we ask the question, why do good things happen to bad people? Here David addresses that. I can’t help but wonder if this was written shortly after David was being persecuted by Saul, who remained king of Israel while David hid in caves and was exiled from Israel. And so possibly David found himself struggling with jealousy over the success and abundance being experienced by Saul during that leave time for himself. But eventually, as he continued to do what was right, God delivered the kingdom into his hands as Saul fell to the Philistines.

So it is for us. We mustn’t be jealous of those who don’t fear the Lord; those who are doomed to an eternity separated from Him and, therefore, from every good and perfect thing. One day they will die and stand in judgement before the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. As for us? David encourages to be patient. And in so doing demonstrate the trust we claim to have in Him.

Jesus Pointing to David Pointing to Jesus

Every time I read Psalm 22 it blows my mind. This is the one that was quoted by Jesus on the cross, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Read it again and think about this: Jesus could have said *ANYTHING* as He was dying on that cross, but He chose to quote Psalm 22. Read it again and imagine it was written NOT about David, but about Jesus. Wow. This must have hit the Jews in the crowd like a ton of bricks as they looked around and saw EVERYTHING in Psalm 22 happening around them, then look at the ending! Wow. Wow. Wow.

Then remember that Psalm 22 was written 1000 years before these events took place!