Tag: Psalm 87

The Uselessness of Jealousy

Psalm 49:16-19 says…

Do not be overawed when others grow rich,
    when the splendor of their houses increases;
for they will take nothing with them when they die,
    their splendor will not descend with them.
Though while they live they count themselves blessed—
    and people praise you when you prosper—
they will join those who have gone before them,
    who will never again see the light of life.

Recently I found myself twinged with jealousy over the opportunity given to a friend. Why wasn’t I offered that? Why was I passed over? I moved past it, but it gnawed at me. Then a while later that same opportunity DID come to me. At first I was excited, but then I was convicted. Why had I allowed this jealousness to creep in? What good did it do? Perhaps the Lord was testing me. But now I was given what I had wanted and I knew in my spirit I had to decline. My heart was wrong about it. I didn’t want to pursue it because of what the Lord had done, but because it would finally bring ME the chance my friend had already had. Me, me, me! And so jealousy ultimately COST me this chance that I would have gotten had I simply been content with my circumstances.

Friends, avoid the so-called “Green-eyed monster”. It will destroy your happiness and cost you more than it ever earns you. It is easy to look at others and long for the things they have… but if you aren’t happy now, those things won’t MAKE you happy. That’s why we are called to seek the kingdom of God FIRST, and THEN all things will be added.

God bless, my friends. Find joy in the little things today.