Tag: Recab

What’s In It For Me?

From David’s early life, it’s easy to see why he became so beloved. His respect for God’s plan and timing, his patience, his loyalty, his desire for peace, his goal of unity in the kingdom of Israel. Quite a stark difference from Saul’s near-mad behaviour, likely due to the tormenting spirit sent by God. I personally imagine this spirit to be less of a malevolent being causing mischief in Saul’s mind and more of a withdrawing of the grace of God that had previously protected Saul from his natural tendencies. But either way these two kings ran things quite differently. And when we look at the wider behaviour throughout the kingdom we can see why David stood out above the pack (and why he loved Jonathan so much — his heart was also for the Lord and for unity in Israel).

Ishbosheth (Saul’s son) accuses Abner (Saul’s general) of having an affair with his wife. While Abner never actually denies it (at least according to what’s recorded) he does get quite upset with the accusation and switches to David’s side. Abner offers to use his political connections to bring the other tribes to the unification table. David is fine with this.

BUT Joab (David’s general) does like this and executes a plot to kill Abner. Upon learning of Abner’s death David mourns and curses Joab and his brother for what they’ve done. David is NOT fine with this.

THEN a pair of brothers (Recab and Baanah, Ishbosheth’s captains) plot to kill Ishbosheth. They do so successfully and bring his head to David in another attempt to curry favour. They are executed for this act. David is NOT fine with this.

David is trying to bring unity, but everyone else is just looking out for #1. Motivated by personal sleight, revenge, or political power. And all of these motivations result in death and destruction!

This is a powerful reminder in our own lives. If we are just chasing things that bring us pleasure rather than seeking the Lord, what we are ACTUALLY chasing is our own destruction. Now, it may not come as quickly as it did for Joab, Abner, Recab, and Baanah, but it will come. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and leave the rest up to Him.

2 Samuel 3:6-4:12 | 111/365