Tag: Satan

Satan is a Bad Counsellor

When King Joash’s mentor (the priest Jehoiada) died, and new set of advisors quickly stepped in to fill the vacuum. And they led him away from the Lord. They led him so far from the Lord that when Jehoiada’s son Zechariah came to Joash to challenge him, Joash had him killed! Well, some time later a couple of this trusted advisors decided to assassinate the king for that very action! Jozacar and Jehozabad killed their own king, while he was weak, wounded from battle.

So it is with sin.

We often have this picture in our mind of Satan with hooves for feet, a spaded tail, head horns, a pitchfork, and a generally red hue. LOL. No. Satan is never — NEVER — going to come to you and say, “Hey! I’m evil and have your destruction as my goal! I want to lead you astray and bring you to a place that will ultimately be your destruction.” Who would do that? Satan is evil… not a MORON. No, what he will actually do is promise you something fun and shiny and new.

Maybe your struggle is lust and he brings someone into your path to disrupt your marriage, or brings some pornography to your attention. Surely nothing bad came come from abusing the gift of sexuality or allowing it to control you… right?

Maybe your struggle is “the almighty dollar” and he brings you a deal that will make you some quick money if you’re willing to cut a corner here and there or take advantage of someone. Hey, it’s a jungle out there! Dog eat dog… right?

Maybe your struggle is glory/power and so Satan brings you the offer of career advancement if you just throw a coworker under the bus, or compromise your commitment to the church, or sacrifice more time with your family. But once you have that power, you’ll start using it for good… right?

Satan is a loser who knows he’s a loser. And he’s just trying to do as much damage as possible on the way down.

(Not) Having All The Answers

I’ll just say it… 2 Samuel says that God told David to take a census (then punished him for it), whereas 1 Chronicles says that Satan led David to take a census and then God punished him for it. I find the theories online quite unsatisfying and I find it frustrating that I don’t have anything to put in the place of these theories. I was deep-diving into the Hebrew and looking at sentence structure and asking my wife what she thought of this or that observation. Then she said something wonderful in its simplicity. Sometimes we don’t have the answers. That’s not to say that the answer is un-findable (because I fully intend to find it and yeah, I will update you all when I do!), but rather that these secondary issues are not ones on which we need to get hung-up. The cross of Christ is primary and all these other items are grow, learn, discuss, and deepen our faith, but we don’t need to be afraid of not having a solution or a perfect understanding immediately.

If you ever find yourself unsure about something when reading the Bible… that’s okay. You don’t need to be afraid of it. God is still God. Jesus is still Jesus. And in time, with study and dedication these answers will come. At the very least we will be satisfied when we stand before the Lord with unveiled faces.

Be blessed tonight my friends.

2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21, 22 | 122/365

What’s Your Vector of Attack?

While David is separated from Michal (who helped saved his life in his flight from Saul) he married two other women. And here again we are told that he gathered “more” wives and concubines. Most of David’s life and actions… 99% (probably MORE than that if we’re going by word count) is upright, virtuous, and worthy of emulation. The way he desires unity, honours the Lord, and seeks His counsel in every leadership decision is commendable. But here we have him amassing wives, in fairly straightforward contravention of Deuteronomy 17:17’s command for kings not to take many wives.

If you know the story of David, you know that this chink in his armour — this Achilles’ heel — will lead to the biggest and most egregious series of sins and terrible decisions that will leave an indelible scar on his story for the rest of time.

I remember years ago hearing famous evangelist Greg Laurie talk about the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) and cleverly referring to them as Gold, Glory, and Girls/Guys. Every sin boils down to one of these three. And one of them is your weakness. One of them is your vector of attack. And when Satan comes for you, he isn’t going to go after your strong side. He’s going after your weak side! Shore up the area where you are most vulnerable. Take every thought captive (1 Corinthians 10:5) and force it into submission to Christ. Like anything else, you need to train the part of you that is weak to become strong. Find an accountability partner, talk openly about those things which represent your vector of attack. Allow the sunlight to prevent the mold of sin from forming in your life.

I guess what I’m saying is: don’t struggle alone and hope it goes away. Take practical steps to defend the weakest part of you against attacks and temptations from Satan.

2 Samuel 5:1-6:11; 1 Chronicles 3:4, 11:1-9, 12:23-40, 13:1-14, 14:1-2, 8-17 | 112/365

The Ultimate STD

Balaam refuses to curse Israel because the Lord is with them. All good, right? Well, Balaam is worried about them dolla-dolla bills, and they are on the line because he was unable to give the King of Moab what he was after. So he concocts a plot to draw the Israelites away from their God and — thus ‚ His protection (cf. Rev 2:14). His plan? To use the potent male libido against the Israelites. The King of Moab sent down women to seduce the Hebrew men and draw their hearts away from God.

Things get a little confusing here as the author doesn’t provide as many details as I would like to see attached to this story (unlike the census information in the following chapter, very robust and complete). So stick with me as I try to tease this out…

Some of the Israelites are engaging in ritual sexual intercourse with Moabites, Midianites, and other worshippers of Baal. This was… not great. So God tells Moses to round up the leaders who were sending their people astray. While there is some contention about what this word “leaders” means (some suggest “ringleaders”, others suggest that these are the leaders Moses appointed in Exodus 18:5 to watch over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens) but I favour the ringleader reading, only because it makes a clear differentiation between these leaders and the judges. So, Moses tells his judges (I think these are the men from Exodus 18:5) to gather up the ringleaders of this rebellion within their cohort of responsibility, kill them, and display their bodies before the people.

While that is happening, God has sent a plague to kill those who are engaging in ritual sexual intercourse and worship of the fertility god Baal. Hence the title of today’s devotional. One particularly egregious example of which is this fellow who take a Midianite girl right into his tent WHILE Moses and the leaders and discussing what needs to be done to address this situation. So Phinehas charges in and spears the guy — not like Goldberg, more like a javelin — and also the girl underneath him. They must have gotten right down to business. And with this decisive act, God was satisfied that the issue would be handled with due seriousness and decisiveness, so that he stopped the plague.

Of course, I also suspect that this was divine timing, because God’s plague had already done its work.

So what do we take from this?

I think we can see how rebellion tests leadership. How we (you, me, whoever) deal with open rebellion against the authority and responsibility God has given us will show what kind of leaders we are.

So grab your spears, people! Let’s go heresy-hunting! <- NO. DO NOT DO THAT.

But while I think the time for capital punishment has passed, we should still give rebellion its due weight. Do we stand by and allow things to occur right under our noses, or do we boldly step out and address it? Do we turn a blind eye to sin in the name of some misguided altruism, or are we willing to sacrifice a human relationship to preserve a divine one?

Satan wants to draw us away from God. It probably won’t be clear and obvious that he is doing so. Satan certainly will not be TELLING us that is his plan, but instead he is okay to play the long game and draw us away slowly. Don’t allow that to happen. Stand watch. Be on guard. Be prepared to fight. Keep your sword1 at the ready!

Numbers 25-26 | 066/365
  1. Sword of the Spirit, that is. ↩︎