Tag: Truth

Hidden in the Familiar

Psalm 78:2-3a says, “I will sing a song that imparts wisdom; I will make insightful observations about the past. What we have heard and learned (NET)” And I was struck by how often that happens to me. I will read a well-trodden, often discussed, and much taught passage, say… John 3:16, and think “I have heard and read this so many times! I would rather read some obscure passage and get the meat off of that bone rather than chewing on this meat-stripped this bone AGAIN!”


That’s when God shows me some connection I had previous missed. Some truth that I had never noticed before. God’s Word is like an iceberg. There is so much more below the surface that to plumb the depths to exhaustion is nigh impossible. And what’s more? Sometimes you and I are not READY to see the next insight or peel back another layer of depth. Our hearts are not ready. Or our minds are not ready. In these cases, there is more that we need to understand in order to gain a more complete grasp of the depth of the words of Scripture.

So, when you come to God’s Word, come asking the Lord to open your eyes, mind, and heart. Come EXPECTING that the Lord will continue to unfold the fullness of His glorious truth!

He will. Amen.

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

Do not be afraid. We hear God and his angels say this so often when they appear in the Biblical narrative that one wonders if perhaps it is the standard greeting in Heaven. But I think this phrase has another application. Job accuses his friends of lying in order to defend God. I think this is a challenge we should receive as Christians today… and every day, for that matter.

How often are we tempted to soften God’s truth. We like to shave off the corners, and sand down the rough edges until we’ve taken the brick for building and turned into a smooth river stone. God does not need our defence. Especially if we are going to misrepresent Him. That judgement will get overturned on appeal anyway.

God flooded the world, drowning almost the entire earth’s population.

God killed the guy who touched the ark, who was only trying to help.

God authorized the slaughter of the Canaanites, He created, He destroys.

God chose to bless and use people who were terrible, like Saul or Saul.

God doesn’t want us to like Him, He wants us to understand who He is. So don’t bother trying to win people to kinder, gentler, fuzzier god… that is NOT the God who created the universe. Once you start changing God so that He better fits our contemporary ideas of what a god should be, you are headed down the slippery slope of preaching what the Apostle Paul calls “another gospel”.

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. So help me God.

Job 12-14 | 022/365