Tag: Will Smith

Attacking God’s Anointed

David had two opportunities to kill Saul, but refused to attack the Lord’s anointed. David’s position was that God would deal with Saul in His timing, and David didn’t need to insert himself into God’s will. And all this after being told by Samuel that he was God’s anointed and ALREADY the new king of Israel.

Absalom took… a different approach. He spent 4 years sowing division, built a monument to himself, rape the king’s harem on the roof of the palace and tried to wipe him out with a huge army of rebels. He ended up caught in a tree by his own luxurious hair, stabbed through the heart 3 times, and dumped into a pit. And all this based on a vendetta for David’s inaction dealing with his daughter (Absalom’s sister)’s rape.

Don’t attack the Lord’s anointed. It won’t end well for you. Even if things seem to be going good at first and you’ve got the majority on your side and everything is coming up Millhouse, eventually it will catch up with you. I’ll leave us off today with the wise word of Will Smith:

Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
But let God deal with the things they do
‘Cause hate in your heart will consume you, too

Will Smith, Just The Two Of Us
2 Samuel 17:15-19:30; Psalm 3, 63 | 119/365