Are You Serious? You Should Be.

Today's Reading: Psalm 50, 73-74


It is clear that — even in under the old covenant — God was calling all nations to Himself. He had a great many rules about the foreigners who lived among His chosen people. Rahab of Jericho AND Ruth of Moab are both in the line of David and of Jesus! Psalm 50 highlights this truth yet again, we are told in no uncertain terms that God has called ALL OF HUMANITY to Himself. Those who refuse to heed the call and instead stand at enmity with God as enemies will suffer destruction.

And we can get SO caught up with rites and rituals that we forget that God is looking at our hearts! Even in the OLD TESTAMENT! The thief on the cross beside Jesus didn’t have time to sacrifice ANYTHING as a sin offering for purification, but he ca humbly to Jesus and acknowledge Him as Lord. And he was saved. He. Was. Saved! No rites or rituals, no pomp or circumstance. We do this things from the overflow of an obedient heart. Not as fire insurance!

God will destroy the pretenders the same way he will destroy the insolent. So don’t pretend for His sake! God is not fooled and God is not mocked. If you aren’t serious, you’ve chosen destruction. You might as well try to enjoy the gift of common grace on this earth before it is withdrawn for eternity, rather than pretend to be something you aren’t.

And the inverse is equally true. If you want God’s salvation, you can’t trick God into giving it to you. He sees you. He sees THROUGH you. He knows everything. So give Him your heart. For real. I promise you won’t regret it. You won’t miss anything from your old life and you will never have known so much peace and contentment. That’s how it was for me.