Are You Worthy of Suffering?

Today's Reading: Acts 3-5


In Acts 5, we see an astonishing response from the apostles. After being arrested and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, they remain steadfast, and the authorities have them flogged to intimidate and discourage them. But instead of leaving in pain and discouragement, they leave rejoicing, “because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” (Acts 5:41). The apostles’ attitude is counterintuitive and deeply inspiring, revealing how they embraced suffering as a sign of faithfulness to Jesus. This response invites us to consider the transformative power of viewing hardship through a Kingdom lens.

When we see suffering for the sake of Christ as a privilege, it shifts our focus. First, it strengthens our resolve. The apostles understood that suffering was part of following Jesus — who Himself was mocked, beaten, and crucified. By identifying with Him in their hardship, they were bolstered rather than broken. This outlook not only encouraged them but reinforced the very core of their message: that Jesus is worth everything, even suffering.

Second, their response affected their persecutors. Joy in suffering defies human logic, especially for those expecting fear and submission. The apostles’ reaction must have confounded the authorities, showing that their faith could not be crushed by physical threats. This boldness makes the Gospel even more compelling, illustrating that God’s love gives a strength that can’t be explained away or easily suppressed.

Finally, this courage impacts those who are watching. Others in the early church would have witnessed the apostles’ joy amid suffering, likely feeling both inspired and emboldened to live with similar dedication. Today, our response to trials can serve as a powerful testimony, inviting others to see that Christ’s worth far surpasses any hardship.

Embracing suffering for Christ reveals the strength of our commitment and provides a powerful witness to others. When we respond with joy, we join the apostles in demonstrating that true life is found in following Jesus, whatever the cost.