Blessings, Curses, & Unfailing Love

Reading through the blessings and punishments of God in Leviticus 26 is interesting. As modern Christians under the New Covenant with Jesus the “goods” of obediences and “bads” of disobedience seem much more… temporal and terrestrial. Grounded in the things of this earth. Since Jesus has come we tend to think of God’s blessings and cursings more in light of eternity than in light of Tuesday (Word of Faith preachers excluded, of course). So the contrast of this passage struck me as interesting.

What I noticed after looking at the progression God offers here in Leviticus is that God’s punishment is carried out not by His hand in some spectacular, spiritual way, but rather by the progressive withdrawl of His blessings.

First, disease and military defeat will come. Second, the earth and skies will not cooperate with our work, producing little yield. Third, wild animals will attack, steal, and kill. Fourth, their land will be dispossessed. Fifth, they will live in constant fear as foreigners. But the key comes in sixth…

Sixth, the people will finally come back to God and repent. And so God will restore them. God so badly wants to bless us. Even in His anger His desire is not to punish us, but to draw us to Himself. He continues to hold that blessing, eager to bestow it on a people who love Him and are faithful to him. And yes, that blessing may come this side of heaven, but it very well may also come when we are raised in glory.

I hope that you will be blessed and seek his blessing

Feb 25 | Lev 25:24-26:46 | 056/365