Can God Still Love Me?

Today's Reading: Amos 1-6


God gives Amos a vision to share with Israel it starts with a warning against Israel’s enemies of coming calamity because of their treatment of God’s chosen people. I’m sure that seemed all well and good, until God — and Amos — turned their attention to Israel herself. Much more time is spend on Israel’s stubborn obstinance and the coming debt for that behaviour. Yet, in sprite of all of that God STILL offers reconciliation to His people if they will turn from their sin and return to Him. Despite their unfaithfulness, wickedness, selfishness, evil, plotting, and debauchery… God still loves them.

There is nothing you can do to get TOO FAR from God. No road so long that you cannot return. No path so twisted that it cannot be untangled. Yes, there will be consequences — both natural and spiritual — for whatever choice(s) you’ve made, but you are still welcome to come home. God will never, never give up on you. To your dying breath He is calling your name.

Can God still love me? The answer is an unqualified yes.