Case Law & The Bible

Often when we read parts of Exodus and Leviticus we can find ourselves asking, “What does this have to do with me, today? I have no current or future plans to cook a goat in its mother’s milk.”

I get it. Some of these rules are confusing and even downright esoteric. I think in cases like these we can try to step back and look at what is happening overall. Who are these laws protecting?

Young women, foreigners, widows, orphans, the poor, even our enemies. These are people who are disadvantaged, even hated. Yet God calls us to deal fairly with them. Not to take advantage of a situation where we can gain at their expense (I mean, what are they even going to do about it?), not to take an opportunity for revenge, not to seek personal elevation where we have to step on someone else to achieve it.

As we read through passages like these, we should pray for God’s guidance as we both 1) look for principles rather than specific rules, and 2) look for modern analogs to these ancient situations.

It is also worth remembering that just because God has offered guidance on a situation, does not mean that he condones every (or any) action being addressed. A prime example being the seduction of a virgin girl. God is telling them how to deal with these things when they happen, not telling people it’s okay to get into these situations.

Exodus 22:16-24:18 | 039/365