Choose Your Fighter

Today's Reading: Proverbs 11-13


We’ve hit the point in Proverbs where there is a steady theme of widsom vs folly, but there isn’t necessarily any connective tissue from one verse to the next as this section is essentially putting forward various scenarios that contrast a wise and foolish approach. As you read through today’s passage you will undoubtedly find several of these contrasting statements that pop out to you, based on what is going on in your life and in the lives of those around you. The applicability of the Scripture never ceases to amaze me. But I think my BIG takeaway from today’s reading is this:

There are two approaches to every situation. One that is born of wisdom and leads to good outcomes. The other is born of folly and leads to poor outcomes. The former is the outworking of the pursuit of God, while the latter is the outworking of selfishness. How will you pattern your life? In the image of God, with Him as your “GPS”, or in the image of the world, with yourself as an idol?

Every situation has both path available to you. Choose wisely.