Good Council Is Not Always Good Council

Let me explain. Job has been stripped of everything but His life. By God — of at least by God’s consent and decree. He was, however, righteous and blameless as the account records. His friends show up and offer their speeches, Eliphaz is the first to speak with Job and his counsel is good. Resentment destroys the fool! Jealousy kills the simple! God bring correction to those He loves! This is all true and would be great advice… just not for Job in this situation. Job was not resentful or Jealous or in need of correction when these trials befell him. Rather he was a faithful man who loved and feared the Lord.

We must remember that when bad things happen, they are not necessarily judgement from God. So that when we are on the receiving end of some terrible news or situation, God is not necessarily punishing us and when we are in times of great news and prosperity, God is not necessarily blessing us — though we should still be looking for opportunities to learn in both circumstances.

And if a friend is going through something, don’t come in strong with a “What sin led you to this situation?” approach. Weep, mourn, and pray with those who are broken. And as you continue to seek the Lord through the healing process, He will reveal His purposes in good time.

Let’s strive to be quick to hear and slow to speak.

Job 5-7 | 020/365