Have It Your Way

Some of us would admit it, others never would, but we all love control. We like to be in charge. We want the final say and for the buck to stop with us. That’s why the Burger King slogan, “Have it your way” was such a fantastic stroke of marketing Genius!

And this brings us along to Pharaoh. He has enslaved the Israelites and they are forced into hard labour for the Egyptian government and people. The time is right for God to raise up His chosen leader — Moses — and his brother, Aaron. They go to Pharaoh and famously ask him to “Let my people go!”. Pharoah’s heart is infamously hardened and he refuses, so God sends a series of plagues, judgements on the Egyptian people. Making the water undrinkable, sending various pests, extreme weather, killing livestock, and even afflicting the people with ill health. Some of these signs were mimicked by the Egyptian magicians, but others could not be. In some cases Pharaoh promised to let the Hebrews leave before reneging the moment that the judgement of God was relieved.

Often we cluck our tongues at Pharaoh and wonder why he was such a big stupid idiot, but I think our man is a cautionary tale for *US*. We desire the same control that Pharaoh did, we just don’t have as much power or authority. And when God’s will does not align with our will, the temptation is often to rationalize the incongruence. I literally had a woman tell me once that because God knew she was unhappy in her marriage, He sent her another man!

Lay your plans down and give the Lord final say-so. Once I stopped trying to ‘have it my way’ and waited on the Lord to lead, I felt so much more satisfied and contented in my life and my work. You’ll experience the same thing. Don’t be Pharaoh.