Heralds of Redemption: How Women Reversed Eve’s Fall

Today's Reading: Mark 15:42-16:11; Matthew 27:57-28:15; Luke 23:50-24:12; John 19:38-20:18


The resurrection story holds an often-overlooked moment of redemption that goes all the way back to Eden. On that early morning, while the men hid in fear, a small group of women went to the tomb of Jesus, carrying spices and love for their crucified Teacher. What they found was earth-shattering: the stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty, and the angel of the Lord declared, “He is not here; He has risen!” They were entrusted with a message to share with the world—the first proclamation of the resurrection.

This moment is particularly significant in light of the creation account. In Genesis, Eve was deceived and led humanity into sin. Now, at the resurrection, it is women who are first to bring news of life, reversing the direction of the Fall and symbolizing a new beginning. While Eve’s decision led to separation from God, the women at the tomb brought news of a restored relationship with Him. Here we see God, in His redemptive power, choose women to be His first witnesses—an act that shattered cultural norms and spoke volumes about His value for each person, regardless of status or gender.

This account also calls us to be bold. Just as the women did not let fear or societal expectations silence them, we are encouraged to carry the message of Jesus’ victory over death, trusting that God equips the unlikely and gives voice to the humble. And just as Eve’s mistake didn’t define humanity’s end, our past does not define us. Christ’s resurrection offers a new beginning, calling us to proclaim the life we have received.

Today, may we walk in the steps of those first women, bold in our message, transformed by His victory, and unafraid to carry the truth of the resurrection wherever we go.