Keep the Word of Prophecy

Today's Reading: Revelation 19-22


“Look! I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy expressed in this book.” – Revelation 22:7 (NET)

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the words of Revelation 22:7 ring with urgency and hope. Jesus declares His return is imminent, and He pronounces a blessing for those who “keep” the prophecy of this book. But what does it mean to keep a prophecy, especially when Revelation’s imagery and meanings are often debated?

Keeping this prophecy begins not with perfect understanding, but with a faithful heart. It’s about living in anticipation of Christ’s return, allowing the truth of His ultimate victory to shape our daily decisions. Revelation calls us to trust God’s sovereignty, to reject the seductive pull of worldly values, and to endure in faith even when circumstances challenge us.

This passage reminds us that faithfulness is not contingent on our mastery of every detail. Instead, it’s found in walking in step with the Gospel, standing firm in hope, and pointing others toward Jesus. Revelation paints a picture of a world redeemed, of sin and death defeated, and of God dwelling eternally with His people. To keep this prophecy is to live as though that promise is already breaking into our lives.

As the new year dawns, it’s the perfect time to renew our commitment to this hope. Just as Revelation concludes with an urgent call to readiness, the turning of the calendar invites us to examine our hearts. Are we living in expectation of Jesus’ return? Are we prioritizing His kingdom over the fleeting pleasures of this world?

Keeping the prophecy means letting it guide our values and choices, even when life feels uncertain or the world’s messages grow louder. It’s an invitation to embrace the new year with a resolve to stand firm, to trust deeply, and to love boldly, knowing the King is coming.