Light in the Darkness

Once again Job declares his innocence. And rattles off a list of offences for which he feels he cannot be found guilty. Perhaps some of these will convict you, as they have convicted me. While there is one I will bring focus to at the end, pause after each once to let the Spirit speak to you and check your own heart.

Job cites murder, stealing, lust, adultery, deceit, unfairness, physical violence, refusal to help those in need, trusting in money, idol worship, rejoicing in the destruction of one’s enemies, lacking in care for those you have authority over, accepting crooked justice, and concealing sins.

I collect vintage video games. A common issue with some of these older consoles like the NES or Gameboy is that the plastic yellows over time. Something to do with the chemical composition of the plastic. Well, if you want to restore these consoles, this is done by mixing up a gel of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, then — this is key — placing it in the sun. The sunlight is the magic ingredient that allows the others to be effective. The sunlight undoes the corruption of the plastic and restores it to new condition. It is actually kinda of remarkable.

In the same way, only exposure to the light can heal the festering wound of sin and begin the process of restoration. This is why concealing sins is in itself a sin. Because the concealment allows it to grow. It gives sin exactly what it needs to flourish. Privacy. Secrecy. Hiddenness. Darkness.

If there is a sin that has been ‘impossible’ to break coat it with a mixture of God’s Word and prayer EVERY DAY, and then put it in the light! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Job 30-31 | 027/365