Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much

Today's Reading: Proverbs 5-7


As I’ve written about before, we tend to believe that people think about things and will react to think in the same manner that we do — this is the false consensus effect. And it’s funny to me when we watch Solomon warn so effusively about the “immoral woman” (ignoring for a moment that if you’re partaking of the activities on offer that would make you an “immoral man”) over and over and over again, yet his only recourse seemed to be ignoring the spirit of the law to fulfill the letter of it by marrying every woman he lusted after. It’s not sin if you’re married!

In the same way, if you see someone (or ARE someone) who is laser-focused on one issue and hammer it repeatedly, it is most likely because they (or you) HAVE fallen in this area or are at least deeply tempted. But this is still an opportunity! If this is happening to someone else, go to them like a brother or sister and ask how things are in that area, and if they need any prayer. And if it’s you, stop trying to put on a show and go talk to someone who can help you deal with your struggle. Don’t do it alone and don’t let your sisters and brother do it alone either.

We need to stop pretending and be honest and raw enough to admit when we have a problem and seek the help we need, or take the correction we are offered!