Prophecy or Poem?

Today's Reading: Psalm 68-70, 86, 101


Psalm 68 has some interesting features. The earth shakes before God (v8). God rescues from death (v20). And the good news is delivered by women (v11). Note the similarities with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Some commenters point out that women celebrating the victory of the king is commonplace (Ex 15:20, 1 Sa 18:6, Jg 11:34), but in each of these cases, the women are greeting the warriors who are returning home. In Psalm 68 the women are sharing the good news THEN the kings run away.

In the same way, the women who went to the tomb were the first people EVER to share the news of the risen Lord!

So was this just poetic language, or was God prompting David’s pen to hint at things to come?