Quick Thoughts

Today's Reading: Psalm 61-62, 64-67


David recognizes that — even as king — he rules and reigns under the King of Kings. Any of us who hold any position of authority should keep that in mind. All authority is the Lord’s and it’s only on loan to us. We need to be mindful how we use it. Thinking of your realms of authority as realms of responsibility can help with this.

We should look neither to common people, nor to the power, but only to God. Not only is He the sole source of hope for us, but He is also the ONLY one who can answer prayer. It’s no wonder then that our trust should be in Him alone.

Psalm 66:18 says, “If I had harbored sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” What sins are we harbouring in our hearts that are hindering our prayers? Don’t let sin control you, don’t give it a seat at the table. Rather confess it to God (and possibly to a brother/sister) and get that obstruction out of the way!