Representative Value

God asks the Israelites to provide the finest materials they have to offer for the construction of the Tabernacle. Worth noting; this is the same fine material they got from the Egyptians when they left. So God is really just asking for some of the blessing He has bestowed on the people to be voluntarily returned to Him. Maybe one of the clearest pictures of the reality of tithing in the Scriptures.

Anyhow, the people do provide these materials and an elaborately ornate set-up/tear-down tabernacle is constructed. But I think what’s worth noting is the Priest’s chestplate. It is covered in stones, each of which represents a tribe of Israel. Those stones are: Ruby, Topaz, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Diamond, Jacinth, Agate, Amethyst, Beryl, Onyx and Jasper.

But what is interesting to me is the value of these stone. All told the priest was wearing approximately $772,828.25 CAD in gemstones over his heart.

Never forget that God sees you as incredibly valuable. He loves you deeply, and He always has. He loves better than we can. He loves deeper than we can. You are not alone. And that person you have been praying for? God loves them more than you do, too. Be blessed knowing that you are valued by God.

Feb 9 | Ex 25-28 | 040/365