Sing to the Lord. Do it Now.

Today's Reading: Psalms 92-97


Just a quick thought today. Several times throughout the Psalms we are told to sing to the Lord. Not the more broad “worship”, but specifically singing. Why? Let’s pop that question in our pockets for a sentence or two while I describe my ideal Sunday service for you all.

I would like to see an extended time of worship, 20-30 minutes devoted to worship in song. Perhaps with other creative elements like scripture reading or videos, but mostly worship in song. This would be followed by a 30-minute message expositing God’s word. Then another closing song of response that matches the theme of the message. Perhaps a jubilant anthem, perhaps a somber acoustic reflection.

Why structure it this way? And why give as much time to worship in song and to the study of the Word of God? This is where we pull out that question from earlier. Why does the Psalmist so often encourage us to worship in song? Because I believe that while the sermon engages the head, music engages the heart!

Psalm 96 even says that we should sing to the nations! We should WITNESS through song! That’s what I believe as well. The music draws a tender heart toward God. The message equips a willing mind with His truth. And then the mandate moves a submitted hands to do the work of the Lord.

Heart. Head. Hands.
