The Power of the Ask

Today's Reading: Acts 8:1b-9:43


In Acts 8, we encounter the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, a passage that highlights the remarkable power of asking questions. Here, Philip receives a prompting from the Holy Spirit to go to a specific road where he encounters an Ethiopian official reading aloud from Isaiah. Rather than diving straight into a sermon or explanation, Philip begins with a simple question: “Do you understand what you are reading?” (Acts 8:30). This question opens the door to a life-changing conversation, as the eunuch’s curiosity and Philip’s obedience intersect at just the right moment.

Philip’s willingness to ask a straightforward question gives the eunuch an opportunity to express his need: “How can I [understand], unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:31). From there, Philip shares the Gospel, leading the eunuch to faith in Jesus and immediate baptism. This story reminds us that sometimes the most profound ministry happens not through grand speeches, but through simple, Spirit-led questions that show a genuine interest in the other person.

In our own lives, we often underestimate the value of a question. A gentle, open-ended inquiry can open doors we didn’t even know were there. Philip’s example teaches us to be observant and sensitive to the Spirit’s prompting, looking for moments to engage with those around us. We don’t need to have every answer or a well-rehearsed speech; sometimes, a single question—one that shows care and sparks curiosity—is all that’s needed to start a transformative conversation.

Wherever we find ourselves, whether it’s in a coffee shop, workplace, or even on a casual walk, we are not there by accident. God places us in specific situations and brings us into contact with certain people for a reason. Like Philip, we’re called to be obedient to His leading, staying open to opportunities to ask the right questions. As we ask, listen, and respond, God can work through us in powerful ways to share His love and truth.