When You’re Here, You’re Family

Today's Reading: Galatians 3:24-6:18; Acts 15:1-21


Paul’s letters to the Galatians brim with a message of liberation, none more so than his family illustration in Galatians 3–4. He reminds believers that, through faith in Jesus Christ, we are no longer slaves but children of God, heirs to His promises. This shift in status is monumental. Slaves live in constant worry, striving to prove their worth and avoid punishment. But children? They rest securely, knowing their place in the family is unshakable.

As believers, we often fall into an “employee” mindset, measuring our worth by what we do. Did I serve enough? Pray enough? Give enough? But Paul tells us that our relationship with God is not transactional. We are not hired hands, working for approval. Instead, we’re sons and daughters, adopted into God’s family. This changes everything. Family doesn’t keep score; family loves unconditionally.

Consider the joyful security this brings. As part of God’s family, we don’t have to earn His favor—it’s already ours. We can work with freedom and passion, not out of fear but out of love. Our service becomes an overflow of gratitude, not an attempt to maintain our place. And when we stumble or fall short, we don’t lose our status. God’s grace restores and reassures us, just as a loving parent embraces a wayward child.

So today, let go of the exhausting weight of “earning” and step fully into the family of God. Rejoice in the truth that your place is secure, not because of what you’ve done but because of who He is. You’re not just accepted—you’re beloved. And nothing can ever change that.