Wisdom vs Foolishness

Today's Reading: Proverbs 8-10


Today’s reading has this sort of smackdown between these two personified attributes of wisdom and folly. Both sit on the rooftops, calling out to passers by. So then, while God does not withhold His wisdom, but offers it freely to those who will take it (seemingly as a part of common grace), Satan offers folly just as well. And unlike wisdom — which leads to life through discipline and hard work — folly offers fleeting good times that ultimately lead to death.

And building off of yesterday’s post, we see that those who do not take the correction of a brother or sister in the faith are not merely fools, but WICKED! Not knowing that scorning Godly wisdom is to scorn the one who offers it, and that ultimately the refuser will be the one to suffer dire consequences LATER, if they refuse the difficult rebuke NOW. Because foolishness is brash, abrasive, does what it wants, and looks only at itself. This is so much of what our culture desires. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.

But wisdom, knowledge, good judgement, discernment, and common sense are OPPOSITE pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverse speech. We cannot participate in both at the same time. It’s one or the other. Choose your fighter.

Choose wisely.