Hook [Introduce yourself and hand out Bibles] You might not know it to look at me, but I am a nerd. I used to write code for a living. I have a wall full of Marvel and DC comic books. I have created my own board games AND attended a board game convention… three times.... Read More →
In 1 Corinthians 12–13, Paul speaks to the beauty and diversity of spiritual gifts but shifts focus to what truly matters. While gifts like prophecy, teaching, and leadership are important for building up the church, Paul reminds us they are temporary. In chapter 13, he highlights the things that last forever: faith, hope, and love,... Read More →
In Isaiah 58, the prophet addresses a people who are outwardly religious but whose hearts are far from God. They fast and engage in rituals, yet their actions are marred by injustice and a lack of compassion. The text reveals a profound disconnect between their religious observances and their daily behavior. Despite their fervent practices,... Read More →