Posts Tagged: 1 Kings 20


An Unapologetic Apologetic

Today’s reading from Isaiah 63:15-66:24 unveils a profound narrative where God appeals to His people, calling them out of their rebellion and into a relationship with Him. This passage vividly illustrates how God reaches out, not just through spiritual means, but through a comprehensive appeal that encompasses historical, scientific, and logical evidence, all of which...  Read More →

Is Affirmation the Same Thing as Friendship?

2 Chronicles 18:1-8 tells the story of a synergy between the two halves of the divided kingdom of Israel. With Judah’s upright and Godly King Jehoshaphat and Israel’s wayward and hapless King Ahab meeting as the latter asks the former to aid him in recovering territory lost to an enemy nation. Jehoshaphat quickly agrees to...  Read More →

God in the Chaos?

After embarrassing the prophets of Baal, the king’s wife — Jezebel — swears out a death sentence against Elijah. And so he fled. God sustained him through the journey and brought him to Mt Sinai. Then we have the famous story of Elijah’s experience of the wind and earthquake and fire, but God was not in...  Read More →