Tag: 2 Chronicles 22

Choosing Our Friends

Young Joash is made king of Judah when he is just 7 years old. Jehoiada the priest oversees his reign and provides guidance and protection for the first 23+ years of his reign. But right after Jehoiada the priest died a new band of hangers-on came to Joash with super awesome new ideas… rather than worship the God of Abraham… how about we worship these wooden poles instead!? This angered God, but rather than visit His judgement and wrath upon Joash, he sent Zechariah — the SON of Jehoiada the priest — as a prophet to warn the king about his behaviour’s consequences. Joash’s response? He had Zechariah killed.

Your friends have a massive impact on your life. This is because gravity pulls toward the largest mass. If your friends are upright, God-fearing, and trying to live good lives. Chances are high that you will do the same. If your friends are alcohol abusers and partiers into casual drug use, chances are high you will do the same. This is why it is so critical that we choose our friends carefully. We must have people around us who are rowing in the same direction we are.

Does that mean we can never have friends who aren’t Christians? Friends who are still deep in their struggles? Of course not! Have those friends. But they should not be in your inner circle. They should not be the ones that you seek out for advice and council. The influence these type of friends needs to be minimized. And if you ever find yourself in a position where these more worldly friends “get you” better than your Christian friends BEWARE! Seriously. It means that YOU have changed your position and are now in danger of rejecting God just like Joash did.

Don’t be Joash. It’s not worth your life.

Should We Desire To Be Used By God?

While I think we can all agree that being used by God is a good thing, I would like to highlight that it is necessary, but not sufficient. I have made this argument many times throughout my writings. We have seen many people who were indifferent towards God, far from God, and even those who hated God being used to accomplish His purposes throughout history.

Today’s reading featured another one. Jehu. He was told by a disciple of Elisha that he would become the king of Israel. He then went on a bloody campaign to kill the kings of BOTH Israel and Judah and any heirs or descendants they had. This campaign was utterly successful. But despite God telling him this would happen and then giving him success in every step of the campaign. No sooner was the crown on his head than he turned his back on God.

But there is no denying that Jehu was “used by God” to visit His judgement on wayward kings and their descendants. And yet, despite being used powerfully by the Lord, he remained far and unfaithful during his reign.

So should we desire to be used by God? Yes. But MORE than that we should desire to love God. That should be the focus of our prayers.