Posts Tagged: 2 Kings 18


True For You

During today’s reading I was struck by Micah’s unflinching indictment of the people of Israel: “Your inhabitants are liars and their tongues speak deceitfully.” This isn’t just a casual mention of dishonesty; it’s a profound commentary on the state of their hearts. They had become so accustomed to lying that it had woven itself into...  Read More →

One Small Mistake Gone Uncorrected

Well, it’s finally happened. The sin of the northern kingdom of Israel has lead to their dispossession of the land and their captivity in Assyria. They were cheats, liars, murders, drunks, idolators, adulterers, and even child-sacrificers, yet not none of those are the reason their land is dispossessed. No, Israel lost their land because a...  Read More →

Getting it Twisted

One of the more surprising things in the Gospel of John is when Jesus says that He must be lifted up by God in the same way that Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. If we go back to that snake in the desert, we see that God used the instrument of destruction...  Read More →