Tag: 2 Kings 8

Should We Desire To Be Used By God?

While I think we can all agree that being used by God is a good thing, I would like to highlight that it is necessary, but not sufficient. I have made this argument many times throughout my writings. We have seen many people who were indifferent towards God, far from God, and even those who hated God being used to accomplish His purposes throughout history.

Today’s reading featured another one. Jehu. He was told by a disciple of Elisha that he would become the king of Israel. He then went on a bloody campaign to kill the kings of BOTH Israel and Judah and any heirs or descendants they had. This campaign was utterly successful. But despite God telling him this would happen and then giving him success in every step of the campaign. No sooner was the crown on his head than he turned his back on God.

But there is no denying that Jehu was “used by God” to visit His judgement on wayward kings and their descendants. And yet, despite being used powerfully by the Lord, he remained far and unfaithful during his reign.

So should we desire to be used by God? Yes. But MORE than that we should desire to love God. That should be the focus of our prayers.

Spiritual Elements to Physical Battles

I don’t have a lot to say about today’s reading — even though a LOT happens — because I just want to highlight one single line…

The king of Aram is fed up with Elisha always knowing what’s coming and foiling his plans over and over again. So he decides it’s time to kill this troublemaker and be rid of him! So he finds out where Elisha is and surrounds his home. Elisha’s servant wakes up in the morning and walks out to see the army of Aram surrounding his house with horses and chariots and he is terrified. He goes to get Elisha to ask what to do. Elisha’s response is exceptional.

Elisha says, “Don’t be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!”

Then he prays for God to open the eyes of his servant and God does just that. And the servant sees the surrounding hillside covered in angel armies with horses and chariots of fire!

Because even our physical battles are spiritual battles. For we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. When you are feeling cornered or alone, pray for the Lord of Heaven’s Armies to open your eyes to the fact that we are represented by angels, horses, and chariots of fire!

Power is a Corrupting Influence

Judah had some suspect kings, but then Asa rode in to the rescue and brought them back to God. His son, Jehoshaphat also did a good job as a king. But His son, Jehoram quickly turned his back on God and murdered his brothers to consolidate power.

The thing is this: power is dangerous. The people who want it most are likely also the least qualified to actually have it. However, *someone* needs to hold it. So when that person is you, remember to hold a BIBLICAL type of “power”. Bottom-up servant-style power. It’s tough to be a tyrant and run roughshod over the people under your authority if you think of them as your responsibility and always try to serve them.

Power is a corrupting influence. You make a mistake to treat it lightly. It’s like the One True Ring from the Lord of the Rings. And we need to try to be Frodo rather than Sméagol.