Posts Tagged: Christian ethics


Godly Sorrow vs Worldly Sorrow

[INTRO YOURSELF] [ANNOUNCEMENT: ONE SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY] [HAND OUT BIBLES] HOOK It might surprise you to learn that I was not a very good student in high school… that probably why I ended up in Bible College rather than a real school. Anyway, one class stood out above the others in my grade school career....  Read More →

Batman, Barbie, and Jesus

Hook Good morning all, my name is Conrad and I am one of the pastors here. If you need a Bible to follow along in our Bible study this morning, put your hands in the air and one of our ushers will make sure you get one. I have long said that my two favourite...  Read More →

The Unforgivable Sin

Hook Book (Mark 3:20–30, NKJV) 20 Then the multitude came together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread. 21 But when His own people heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, “He is out of His mind.” 22 And the scribes who came down...  Read More →

The Portrait of Love

Hook [Intro yourself. Hand out Bibles. Communion in coming.] I used to spend my summers in Toronto working with my father. He owned a roofing company, but did plenty of other general contracting work. One day he dropped my brother and I off at this old Italian lady’s place to do lay a brick patio....  Read More →

The Picture of Love

Hook [Introduce yourself and hand out Bibles] You might not know it to look at me, but I am a nerd. I used to write code for a living. I have a wall full of Marvel and DC comic books. I have created my own board games AND attended a board game convention… three times....  Read More →


When God’s Commands Collide: Wrestling with Ezra’s Divorce Edict

The story in Ezra 9-10, where Israel’s leaders command the people to divorce their foreign wives and send away their children, can be deeply unsettling. It seems unthinkable for a people called by God to care for the vulnerable, to suddenly turn their backs on their wives and children. Our initial response may be one...  Read More →

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

The battle-cry of Chaplain Lt H. M. Forgy aboard the USS New Orleans during the attack on Pearl Harbour in WWII. Just the thought of it today causes Christians to recoil in horror. Imagine! Associating God with war?? Crazytownbananapants! Ot is it? I think Christians write-large would also recoil in horror at the words of...  Read More →