Posts Tagged: Christian Faith


The Portrait of Love

Hook [Intro yourself. Hand out Bibles. Communion in coming.] I used to spend my summers in Toronto working with my father. He owned a roofing company, but did plenty of other general contracting work. One day he dropped my brother and I off at this old Italian lady’s place to do lay a brick patio....  Read More →


Why Knowing the True Gospel Is Your Only Defense Against Spiritual Counterfeits

It’s easy to think we’d never be deceived by false teaching. After all, if someone were to walk into your church, preaching a gospel of blatant lies, you’d recognize it immediately, wouldn’t you? But Revelation 13:11-18 reminds us that deception doesn’t come with a warning label. The second beast appears “like a lamb,” mimicking Christ,...  Read More →

God of the Gaps

In John 2, we find the account of Jesus’ first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding feast. It’s a familiar story, but there’s a powerful lesson tucked into the dialogue between Jesus and His mother, Mary. When the wine ran out, a potentially embarrassing situation for the hosts, Mary simply brought the need...  Read More →

Real History, Real People, Real Events: The Tangible Roots of the Christian Faith

The Bible is not just a collection of spiritual teachings but also a document deeply rooted in real history, involving real people and events. Today’s reading from 1 Chronicles 5:18–26; 6:3b–15, 49; 7:1–8:28 emphasizes the genealogies and tribal histories of Israel, highlighting the tangible reality of the biblical narrative. These genealogies are not mere lists;...  Read More →

The Impossible God

In Ezekiel 37, the prophet is taken to a valley filled with dry bones—symbolic of the hopeless state of Israel in exile. Humanly speaking, these bones are beyond hope, but God commands Ezekiel to prophesy over them, and they come to life, forming a vast army. This powerful vision serves as a reminder that God...  Read More →