Posts Tagged: Conviction


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Zeal Gone Awry

The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a forum for slander, manipulation, and...  Read More →

Rules to Live By… Literally!

The Law of Moses was not only spiritual but eminently practical, designed to lead to human flourishing. When Nehemiah reflects on the people’s disobedience, he emphasizes that following God’s regulations brought life. This isn’t just because of obedience in the abstract, but because the Law itself was crafted to promote well-being. For Israel, it established...  Read More →

The Wound That Heals: Conviction vs Condemnation

In Nehemiah 7:4-8:12, we see a powerful moment where the people of Israel come together to hear the Word of God read aloud after years of exile. It’s not just about listening to the words; the people are actively seeking to understand them. Ezra, alongside the Levites, reads and explains the Law to the gathered...  Read More →

Consuming Conviction

In Ezekiel 3, we encounter the striking image of the prophet being instructed to eat a scroll. This was not just any scroll but one filled with words of “lamentation and mourning and woe” (Ezekiel 2:10). Despite its bitter content, when Ezekiel obeys and consumes the scroll, it tastes “as sweet as honey” in his...  Read More →