Posts Tagged: Ezra


When God’s Commands Collide: Wrestling with Ezra’s Divorce Edict

The story in Ezra 9-10, where Israel’s leaders command the people to divorce their foreign wives and send away their children, can be deeply unsettling. It seems unthinkable for a people called by God to care for the vulnerable, to suddenly turn their backs on their wives and children. Our initial response may be one...  Read More →

The Illusion of Human Power

Esther 1:10-22 offers us a fascinating glimpse into the dynamics of power and authority. Xerxes, the king, is used to absolute control over his empire and, apparently, over his household as well. His command for Queen Vashti to appear before his banquet guests as a display of her beauty is not simply a request but...  Read More →

Unstoppable: Turning Opposition into Victory

In Ezra 5-6, we witness an incredible story of persistence, faith, and divine intervention. The Israelites, in the midst of rebuilding the temple, are confronted by local authorities who question their right to continue the work. These officials demand proof of authorization, but instead of ceasing their efforts, the Israelites keep building. They work through...  Read More →

Accidental Righteousness? I Don’t Think So

In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere contact, and the answer is...  Read More →

The All-Knowing God

In Daniel 10-12, we see an astonishing display of God’s foreknowledge through the angel’s revelation of events that would unfold in Israel’s future. The prophecy is so detailed and accurate that many scholars have marveled at how perfectly it aligns with historical events. Some have even questioned whether it could have been written before the...  Read More →

Not All Help Is Good Help: How to Protect Your Purpose

In today’s reading, the Israelites return from exile with a clear mission: to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This was more than just a construction project; it was about restoring their spiritual connection with God. Yet, in the midst of their work, they faced a dilemma. When neighboring groups offered to help, the Israelites made...  Read More →

Condemned by History: the Shocking Reality of Human Justice

As we read through Daniel 6, the brutal reality of life in the ancient world hits hard. Those who conspired against Daniel—along with their wives and children—are thrown into the lions’ den. This kind of punishment, common in the ancient Near East, feels almost incomprehensible to us today. It serves as a sobering reminder of...  Read More →