“Look! I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy expressed in this book.” – Revelation 22:7 (NET) As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the words of Revelation 22:7 ring with urgency and hope. Jesus declares His return is imminent, and He pronounces a blessing... Read More →
Revelation 17 introduces us to a woman clothed in fine garments, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, seated atop a scarlet beast. Her appearance is captivating, even alluring, but her opulence conceals her true nature. She is described as holding a golden cup filled with abominations and the impurities of her immorality. Beneath her... Read More →
Paul’s time under house arrest in Rome paints a vivid picture of joy in the midst of adversity. Bound to a soldier, living on his own resources, and awaiting a trial that could end in his execution, Paul’s circumstances were far from ideal. Yet, rather than despairing, Paul seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel,... Read More →
Paul’s journey to Rome, as described in Acts 27, is a masterclass in trusting God amidst uncertainty. Back in Acts 23:11, an angel assured Paul that he would testify in Rome. Yet the path to that fulfillment was anything but straightforward. Storms, shipwrecks, and imprisonment were part of the journey—none of which seemed to align... Read More →
The title may give you pause, especially if you’ve heard it used in ways that promise a prosperity-focused, trouble-free existence. Yet as we turn to 2 Corinthians 6:4-13, Paul offers us a very different vision of what “your best life now” truly looks like. It’s not about ease or worldly success but about enduring with... Read More →
Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3 are a profound reminder that the foundation of our lives and ministries must be Jesus Christ. Everything we build on that foundation will ultimately be tested by fire, revealing whether it was done for God’s glory or to gain the fleeting approval of others. It’s tempting to seek praise... Read More →
In Matthew 25:21, Jesus recounts the words of the master in the parable of the talents: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” These words capture the heart of what it means... Read More →
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus presents a sweeping vision of future events, but His primary focus is not the “when” of His return. Instead, He emphasizes how we should live as we wait. With each reference to “wars and rumors of wars” and natural upheavals, Jesus reminds His followers that these are “birth pains”—a hint of what’s... Read More →
The title of today’s devotional is borrowed from the comedy film Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping by Andy Samberg—a film about an artist who refuses to quit despite repeated failures. And while it’s an over-the-top satire, that relentless spirit of pressing forward mirrors something crucial about the life of faith. For believers, the call to stay the... Read More →
There are few questions in the Christian life more significant than that of salvation: How secure is it? Is salvation something that can be lost, or is it a permanent state once we come to faith? This question touches on core aspects of how we understand God’s love, our responsibility, and the very nature of... Read More →
When we read through the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1, we’re confronted with an unexpected detail: the inclusion of five women. In a time when genealogies typically traced lineage through men, the appearance of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary stands out. But what’s even more striking is why these women, in particular, were chosen. They... Read More →
Sometimes, as we go through Scripture, we encounter sections that can feel difficult to draw insights from. Lists of names, genealogies, and city assignments might seem irrelevant to us today, but every part of Scripture is inspired by God and holds a purpose. Even if it doesn’t seem obvious at first, if we are willing... Read More →