
What Does God Feel Like?

God appears to Jacob in a dream and confirms His covenant with Abraham. Gods words are positive and encouraging, yet Jacob was afraid. Understanding the awesome power of the one true God. And after this encounter with the Lord, he erects a monument to God, and to mark a place of worship.

There are times when God feels far and there are times when God feels near. We should make note of those times when God is near. When He shows Himself to us in powerful ways. Because those monuments, those markers, will remind us of God’s faithfulness in the times of trial, suffering, and reproof.

And remember that even when we don’t “feel” it, He is still Emmanuel, God with us.

Genesis 28:6-30:24 | 010/365

Your Lack of Planning Isn’t My Problem

Esau goes out hunting and come home famished. He asks his brother for some stew and Jacob – as brothers do – needed something in return.

Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright and Esau, evidently a drama queen, says he’s going to literally die if he doesn’t eat. So he trades his birthright for some stew.

Esau lost out because he was too lazy or bad at planning. We often give Jacob grief for this move, but it is Esau’s fault. Esau should have said, “fat chance” and pulled some jerky out of his bag.

Work hard and be diligent to prepare. If you choose not to, whatever happens as a result is no one’s responsibility but your own.

Genesis 25:27-28:5 | 009/365

Hard Things are Harder, but They’re Better

This is a little piece of wisdom from my wife. She always laughs at it, but I’ve always thought it was profound in it’s obvious simplicity. I think this is what we see in God’s method of bringing his covenant with Abraham to fulfillment. Sarah had trouble conceiving, but Hagar had no such issues. Even elderly Abraham had 6 children with the woman he married after Sarah’s death.

In the same way, Isaac marries Rebekah, who also has fertility issues, they pray to God and she does eventually have twins. Jacob and Esau. But Ishmael, Abraham’s eldest son had no issues producing heirs. 12 boys, not to mention however many girls may also have been born to him.

And then Jacob, the one who would become the namesake for the entire nation of Israel, was called “deceiver” at his birth (and engaged in plenty of shenanigans throughout his life). God seems to enjoy subverting expectations, taking the hard road, and achieving the improbable.

When God says, “Trust me”, He really means it. I’ve witnessed it personally in my life. Several times. There is nothing He cannot do, yield yourself to Him and watch His plan work itself out.

Genesis 25:1-11; 1 Chronicles 1:28-31, 34 | 008/365

Adding Value to Your Life and the Lives of Others

Abraham is worried about who his son, Isaac, will choose to marry. And so he sends out his oldest servant to find his a wife — not among the Canaanites in the foreign land they inhabited, but from among his own people, Israel. The servant arrives and sets 3 criteria when he prays to find a woman who says, “Yes (kindness) have a drink (service) and I will water your camels too (thoughtfulness).”

This is a woman who exemplifies the love of God. She had drawn the water for herself and her family, it’s not like she was hoping to bump into someone to give it to. Now she gave her water to this foreign visitor, and not only that, she had to make at a minimum two more trips to the well. One or more for the camels, and one or more for her original purposes. She fulfilled not only the request of the stranger, but saw — and met — an unspoken need as well.

We should strive to be like Rebekah. Adding value to the lives of others through kindness, and observation, and service. And we should surround ourselves with Rebekahs who will do the same. In that way we can carry and support each other as we seek to emulate Christ.

Have a blessed Sunday. See you at church.

Genesis 21:8-24:67 | 007/365


Influence. We are all affected by it. Whether we are subject to it or exerting it.

Such is the case with Lot and his family. When two angels of the Lord come to Sodom to test Lot’s righteousness, he takes them in offering to wash their feet and house them for the night. But the townspeople want Lot to deliver these strangers over to be sexually abused.

Lot instead appears to offer his virgin (engaged) daughters. APOLOGETIC NOTE: How is this a righteous man!? What a monstrous thing to do! It is unlikely that Lot was actually offering up his daughters to this mob. In reality he was making such a statement only rhetorically as if to say, “please treat these foreigners with the same care you would treat the most vulnerable members of our own community”.

The angels of the Lord protect Lot and his family, but both of the daughters’ fiancés refuse to leave the city and are destroyed. Lot’s wife looks back at what she is leaving behind and is destroyed. And some time later, Lot’s daughters get him drunk to commit incest with him. Their children become tribes that would be enemies of Israel.

Be careful with whom you associate, what you read, and what you listen to. We can be influenced by cultural ideas slowly and seditiously, often without even realizing it. Does this mean we should hide in a Christian bubble? Hardly, but make sure those people and things which have the most influential roles in your life and spurring you on toward Christ.

Genesis 18:1-21:7 | 006/365

Don’t Do God’s Job

God made two promises to Abraham. The first, that his descendants would out number the stars in the sky. The second, that he would be given the land of the Canaanites to possess. Abraham and Sarah wanted a son so badly they could almost taste it. So when God promised them that they would get a son, they took things into their own hands to see how they could “help“ God achieve this goal. Their attempt to aid God led to problems in their marriage, problems in their household, and strife between the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac. No such attempt was made to prematurely take the land of Canaan by Abraham and Sarah.

If we believe God is leading us into something that we already want, the temptation is significant to try and “make it happen”, but this is more likely to mess things up than bring them into fruition. If we want to see God work, we should let God work. We don’t step in and say “thanks God, I’ll take it from here”. In 1 Corinthians 4:7 Paul says, “What do you have that you did not receive?”, he recognizes that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father (James 1:7, paraphrased).

Don’t do God’s job. You’ll be bad at it.

Genesis 15-17 | 005/365

I Don’t Deserve This

Some will read this and assume unmerited blessing, some will read this and assume unmerited cursing. Solomon tells us that both come from the Lord (Ecc 7:14), so we should seek to learn in every circumstance.

In the case of Abram and Sarai the Lord has chosen out two to bless and make a covenant with despite any qualifications of which to speak. If fact when Abram is called the only things we know about him are that he is married to a barren woman and that he is the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of Noah (Note: Noah only missed Abram’s birth by 2 years… people lived a LONG time back then). Given that God’s call on Noah was to be a “great nation” it would seem that the only qualification Abram and Sarai had was their LACK of qualification. In fact, shortly after God’ promise to Abram he tries to sell his wife into the Egyptian Pharoah’s haram to save his own skin!

In the same way, God has a call on YOUR life. Not because of WHO you are, but because of WHOSE you are. Trust Him and follow him whether you are in a time of prosperity or a time of refining. Both are a blessing and both are shaping you into who God wants you to be so you can fulfil the call He has placed on your life.

But remember! Pride comes before the fall. God pulled no punches in frustrating the plans of the people of Babel who thought more highly of themselves than they ought.

Go with God, learning in all humbleness and submission.

Genesis 11-14; 1 Chronicles 1:24-37 | 004/365

The Moving of the Spirit

Just before the flood would begin to recede we see a wind (the Hebrew word ‘ruah’) move across the earth. This is the same word for the Spirit of God we see moving across the formless, nascent earth in Genesis 1:2. This also remind us of God breathing life into Adam in Genesis 2:7.

We see the Spirit of God moving in these creative, world-altering events.

And all of this points toward the events of Pentecost in Acts 2:2 when the sound like a rushing wind came and filled the believers with the Spirit of God in a way that had not previously even experienced. Those men and women — empowered by God — changed the world. Forever.

Friends, submit your lives to the work and will of the Spirit of God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is moving, BIG things are happening!

Genesis 7-10; 1 Chronicles 1:5-23 | 003/365

Who’s Leading Who?

We are all the hero of our own stories. But sin is eager to counsel us — and we are eager to listen, because the counsel of sin so often aligns with our existing desires. But God knew how hard-headed our free will would make us and so he made a way out; a way not obvious to everyone; a way that strikes most — nearly all in the case of Noah — as foolishness. Let me encourage you today in the strongest possible terms to listen to (in every sense of the word) the Lord’s leading.

Genesis 4-6 | 002/365

Time to Own it

God has given us the earth and its inhabitants to steward and the universe as a witness of the power and majesty to which we are accountable. No amount of lying, denying, and/or blame-shifting will bring relief when we are required to give an account of how we did. Let’s take our responsibilities seriously and work as unto the Lord.

Genesis 1-3 | 001/365