Paul’s time under house arrest in Rome paints a vivid picture of joy in the midst of adversity. Bound to a soldier, living on his own resources, and awaiting a trial that could end in his execution, Paul’s circumstances were far from ideal. Yet, rather than despairing, Paul seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel,... Read More →
In John 12:37-50, we find Jesus quoting Isaiah 6:10, a passage where God says He will “blind their eyes and harden their hearts” so that they will not understand or turn to Him. On first glance, it sounds as though God is actively working to prevent people from believing. But as we dig deeper, a... Read More →
There’s a popular verse that says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). So what happens when someone prays in faith—believing with all their heart for a miracle—only to find that their mountain doesn’t move? What do we say to the person who truly believes for healing, only to lose... Read More →
The story of Haman’s downfall in Esther 5-7 is a powerful example of how God uses even the wicked schemes of people to accomplish His purposes. Haman, filled with pride and hatred for Mordecai, had a 75-foot pike set up with the intention of executing him. He believed this would secure his dominance and remove... Read More →
Esther 1:10-22 offers us a fascinating glimpse into the dynamics of power and authority. Xerxes, the king, is used to absolute control over his empire and, apparently, over his household as well. His command for Queen Vashti to appear before his banquet guests as a display of her beauty is not simply a request but... Read More →
In Daniel 8, we find one of the most remarkable examples of fulfilled prophecy in the Bible. This vision, given to Daniel around 550 B.C., speaks of the rise and fall of future empires in stunning detail. What makes this prophecy even more extraordinary is how perfectly it aligns with historical events that occurred centuries... Read More →
Grief is a complex and deeply personal experience that manifests in various ways. Some people express it openly, with tears and lament, while others may internalize their sorrow, showing little outward signs of their inner turmoil. The Christian response to grief is multifaceted. We are called to mourn with those who mourn, showing compassion and... Read More →
When we read about the judgment on Assyria and Babylon, it might seem perplexing. How can God punish them for carrying out actions that fulfilled His will? But the answer is deceptively simple: God did not force these nations to act. Instead, He removed His protection from Israel, allowing them to experience the consequences of... Read More →
Isaiah 48:10 speaks of God’s refining process, a crucial aspect of His relationship with Israel and His people today. This verse is part of a larger section (Isaiah 44:6-48:11) where God emphasizes His sovereignty, the futility of idols, and His commitment to redeem and refine His people. In these chapters, God declares His uniqueness and... Read More →
Isaiah 24-27, often called the “Apocalypse of Isaiah,” delivers a stern message of global judgment. Nations are brought low, the earth is laid waste, and its inhabitants scattered. This grim portrayal continues into chapter 29, where Jerusalem faces severe consequences for their rebellion. However, nestled within these chapters of destruction are profound messages of hope... Read More →
The battle-cry of Chaplain Lt H. M. Forgy aboard the USS New Orleans during the attack on Pearl Harbour in WWII. Just the thought of it today causes Christians to recoil in horror. Imagine! Associating God with war?? Crazytownbananapants! Ot is it? I think Christians write-large would also recoil in horror at the words of... Read More →
I grew up Catholic, which meant that God was far away and most waiting with a big stick to whack me if I stepped out of line. Eventually I became an agnostic and that lasted into my teen years. Then I got saved in a Pentecostal church when I was about 15. During these formative... Read More →